And the close up shots of the seedy Colombian drug lord’s sleeve, gaudy bracelet, and rings were priceless. Maybe it’s just because my High School years were in the early/mid 80s, but there’s certainly a deep nostalgia factor. One tends to forget that styling black guys dressed like Michael Jackson (2 belts!), Don Johnson sported a cheesy mustache, or that sleeveless vests were ever in. Since it’s a 1984 show, this is real 80s, or at least how Hollywood wanted us to see it then. This now forgotten world of no cel phones, no computers, teased hair, and leisure suits. When “ In the Air Tonight” kicked in, I got goosebumps.įor me the real star of the show is 1984 Miami. The music is still fantastic, and the evocative much-touted MTV style shots of car hoods and wheels racing along night streets still work. The writing is great, and starting off the protagonists separately, with Tubbs a bit of a mystery, works well. But the 2 hour pilot plays more like a movie, a Michael Mann movie, in fact. Some of the acting, particularly reaction shots, still retains that 70s/80s cheese factor. Sure the picture quality of the DVD transfer is mediocre, and it would’ve benefited from wide screen shooting, but it’s still better than most TV today.

I’d watched the show 26 years ago, but this is really just a review of the pilot which just I re-watched.įor early 80’s television, the show holds up amazingly well.
Dexter (one of my 2-3 favorite currently running shows) had me thinking about Miami so I found a copy of the Miami Vice complete series boxset on Amazon Marketplace for dirt cheap.